Thank you for your submission. Your family is now registered for our next Baby Dedication. Please be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your service. Please sit on the far left side of the stage near the stairs before your dedication.
Pastor Matt will be giving four charges to you during the dedication. They are:
1. With God’s help building your house, do you recognize your child as a gift from God, giving thanks for his blessing?
2. With God’s help building your house, do you dedicate your child to the Lord, surrendering all worldly claims upon their life in hope that they will belong to the Lord?
3. With God’s help building your house, do you pledge to bring up your child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, making every reasonable effort, with patience and love, to teach them the Word of God, the character of Jesus, and the joy of the Lord?
4. With God’s help building your house, do you promise to pray and strive for your child to trust in Jesus alone as their Lord and Savior and follow him as a disciple?
After each charge, you should respond with “We/I do”.
Thank you for taking this step in your commitment to the Lord!